At least one big third-party Reddit iOS app will live on

A promotional image for Narwhal featuring on older iPhone and an older iPad.
This is some old hardware. | Image: Narwhal for Reddit

Many Reddit users are mourning the June 30th shutdowns of third-party apps like Apollo for Reddit, rif is fun for Reddit (RIF), and BaconReader, but at least one popular Reddit app will still be around: Narwhal for Reddit.

“Narwhal is not going anywhere on July 1st,” Narwhal developer det0ur wrote in a post on the r/getnarwhal subreddit. “It will continue to operate as it has for many years (except it will not have ads anymore).” A lot of popular apps are shutting down because their developers can’t pay the potentially exorbitant API pricing, won’t be allowed to include ads in their apps, and due to the removal of sexually explicit content.

However, Narwhal will be changing a bit down the line. “Over the next few months,” det0ur will add...

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