Chevy Bolt owners could receive $1,400 compensation from GM for nerfed batteries

Chevy Bolt EUV
Photo by Andrew J. Hawkins / The Verge

Chevy Bolt owners might have the option to receive a $1,400 payout from GM as compensation for dealing with defective EV batteries in model year vehicles from 2020-2022.

As reported by Engadget, the new offer from GM comes as the company deals with a class action lawsuit over the Bolts that required a software update that limits range to protect it from catching fire. Previously, Chevy had two Bolt recalls that, over time, grew to include nearly every model ever released.

To qualify for the offer, owners must install a “final remedy” software update on their Bolt through a Chevy dealership by December 31st, 2023. Owners will get a letter that grants them access to a web form to accept the money in the form of a Visa e-gift card.


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